David Kelsey

Particle Physics Department STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Head of particle physics computing
Dr David Kelsey is head of particle physics computing at STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. He has been leading many Grid Security activities since 2001 including EU DataGrid, EGEE, EGI-InSPIRE, EGI-Engage, GridPP and WLCG. He has an equally long track record in federated identity management as the founder and leader of the EU Certificate Authority Coordination Group in 2000, a group that became EUGridPMA in 2004 and led to the formation of IGTF. Kelsey has been an active member of the FIM4R group collecting and documenting the research community requirements for federated identity management and has striven to establish trust between e-Infrastructure operational security teams, the identity federations and with IT infrastructures worldwide, as the founder and leader of the Security for Collaborating Infrastructures (SCI) activity. Kelsey is chair of the SCIV2 working group of WISE. Kelsey has a PhD in experimental particle physics.