Karlheinz Meier

Heidelberg University
Professor of Experimental Physics,
Wednesday, 28 September: Karlheinz Meier, Professor of Experimental Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Heidelberg University
Title: “The brain, the universe and the need for integrated infrastructures”
Karlheinz Meier holds a diploma and a PhD in Physics from Hamburg University. During the last 30 years, he has contributed to several major particle physics experiments at DESY and CERN, specifically: JADE at PETRA, UA2 at the CERN Proton-Antiproton Collider, H1 at the HERA Electron-Proton Collider and ATLAS at the LHC. He also contributed to European initiatives in detector research, notably the RD1 and RD27 collaborations at CERN.
Meier is the founding director of the Kirchhoff Institut für Physik and of the Laboratory for Microelectronics at Heidelberg. Since 2011, he has been director for neuromorphic computing of the EU HBP FET Flagship Project.
Based on his experience of designing and running custom electronic data filters ('triggers') for particle detectors and the establishment of the Heidelberg ASIC Laboratory in 1994, he initiated and developed a new line of research in Heidelberg. An overview of his publications from this work can be found in INSPIRE.