DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURES for RESEARCH 2018 | Serving the user base


Josep Lluís Gelpí

Organisation: Computational Bioinformatics Group
Role: Director

PhD in Chemistry (1990, Univ. of Barcelona) Prof. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Univ. de Barcelona. Team leader at the Life Sciences Dept., Barcelona Supercomputing Center.

Annabel Grant

Organisation: GÉANT
Role: Senior Business Development Officer

Annabel joined GÉANT in 2012 and leads e-infrastructure engagement for the GN4-2 project.

David Groep

Organisation: Nikhef
Role: Senior research scientist

Dr. David Groep is a senior researcher at Nikhef. With a background in experimental subatomic physics, he has worked on a wide range of IT and IT security activities, starting in EU DataGrid, as well as driving the development of the Dutch national e-Infrastructure.

Ingemar Häggström

Ingemar Häggström

Organisation: EISCAT
Role: Head of Operations and Senior Scientist

Dr. Ingemar Häggström (M), Head of Operations and Senior Scientist at EISCAT Headquarters, is responsible for EISCAT operations and scheduling, and the EISCAT data analysis and archiving of the data in the database. His science interests cover a wide range of atmospheric radar studies and he is collaborating with a multitude of EISCAT users in different countries. He is also coordinating the World Day program of the incoherent scatter radars all over the world. He is managing the linking of EISCAT data into different science databases, used by researchers throughout the world. He is leading work packages, as well leading the EISCAT effort, in various EU funded projects within the FP7 and H2020 programmes.

Piyush Harsh

Piyush Harsh

Organisation: Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Role: Senior Researcher

Piyush Harsh has been heading the Cloud Economics and Distributed Computing initiatives within ICCLab at Zurich University of Applied Sciences. He has been involved in numerous collaborative European research projects including Contrail, Mobile Cloud Networking, T-Nova to name some where his focus has been on designing solutions enabling federations, interoperability and application provisioning. His research interests include autonomous computing, security and privacy issues, distributed systems and recently rating-charging and billing strategies in IT systems. He holds MS and PhD degrees from University of Florida and BTech degree in Computer Science from Indian institute of Technology, Roorkee.

Sigve Haug

Sigve Haug

Organisation: AEC-LHEP University of Bern
Role: Lecturer and researcher

Sigve Haug studied physics in Germany, Spain and Norway. He has been involved in neutrino physics experiments and high energy frontier experiments, often with main focus on the computing challenges related to the large and distributed data from these experiments. Today he is working for the Albert Einstein Center for fundamental Physics at the University of Bern in Switzerland where he is also directing an e-infrastructure project in which cloud and grid technologies are combined for big science.

Ken Haug

Organisation: PhenoMeNal
Role: workpackage leader and project technology advisor

Kenneth Haug is a Project Manager and Technical Coordinator in the Cheminformatics and Metabolism group at EMBL-EBI. He is currently also the PhenoMeNal VRE Portal workpackage leader and project technology advisor.

Brigitte Hausstein

Brigitte Hausstein

Organisation: GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Cologne
Role: Head of Registration Agency da|ra

Graduated from Humboldt University Berlin, subjects sociology, economics and psychology; since 1992 research associate at the GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences and since 2010 head of the Data Registration Agency (da|ra).

Sy Holsinger

Sy Holsinger

Role: Senior Policy and Strategy Officer

Sy Holsinger is currently a Senior Policy and Strategy Officer at working on sustainability planning, business model development, market analysis and IT service management implementation. Sy studied Business Communications and Management in the U.S. focusing on project and financial management, business development, marketing and communication messaging. He has been involved in several EU-funded projects covering both management and support roles such as leading the commercial activities in the series of EGEE projects. Sy is also a certified FitSM standard trainer, in-house ITSM consultant and member of ITEMO (IT Education Management Organization) participating in the FitSM working group. His previous experiences include the U.S. Air Force and Teaching.

Xavier Jeannin

Xavier Jeannin

Organisation: RENATER
Role: GN4 phase 2 on Data Center Interconnect

Xavier Jeannin (RENATER) was formerly activity manager of the network activity in the European Grid project EGEE. He is in charge of LHCONE deployment in France, an international L3VPN that currently connect the LHC computing center over the world. He was the task leader of MP-VPN in GN3-plus project (SA3T3) that was in charge of the design, service specification and deployment of Multi-Domain VPN service in Europe. He was task leader of DCI-EVPN in  project GN4 phase (SA3T2). He is currently working in GN4 phase 2 on Data Center Interconnect work item.